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GET AllergyIntolerance


The AllergyIntolerance API can be used to interact with Allergy Intolerance records for a patient. When querying for data it must always be in the context of a single patient.

  • Retrieving or searching for AllergyIntolerance records is performed using a HTTP GET described below.

AllergyIntolerance Retrieval​

id and _id​

The AllergyIntolerance resource can be retrieved directly if the id of the resource is known. Appending the id to the url will cause the AllergyIntolerance resource to be retrieved. Unlike all other retrieval queries, the response will be a single resource as opposed to a Bundle.

GET /AllergyIntolerance/{id}

An alternate method for retrieval is to make use of the _id search parameter. In this case, the result will be a Bundle. If the id is present the Bundle will contain a single AllergyIntolerance resource, otherwise the Bundle will be empty.

GET /AllergyIntolerance?_id={id}

Query Parameters​

Unless retrieving an AllergyIntolerance resource by the use of id the subject must always be present. The AllergyIntolerance can only be targetted against a single patient at any one time.


GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=Patient/{id}

When searching for NHS Numbers then use the system for example:

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient.identifier=|1234567890

All the search examples shown below will accept the patient parameter in either form.


When searching for AllergyIntolerances with a specific code the query can be constructed using different combinations of the code system and the code value.

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&code=[code]
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&code=[system]|[code]
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&code=|[code]
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&code=[system]|

For example to search for a Peanut Allergy Intolerance using SNOMED would look like the following:

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&code=|762952008

For further information consult the FHIR specification at


To search on the date an AllergyIntolerance was asserted the following search constructs can be used.

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&date=[value]

To improve searching the API supports the use of search modifiers. The modifiers supported for asserted are as below:

ltReturns dates less than the search term
leReturns dates less than or equal to the search term
gtReturns dates greater than the search term
geReturns dates greater than or equal to the search term
eqReturns dates equal to the search term
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&date=lt[value]
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&date=le[value]
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&date=gt[value]
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&date=ge[value]
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&date=eq[value]

To search for an AllergyIntolerance asserted on 23rd January 2021 the query would be:

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&date=2021-01-23

To search for all AllergyIntolerances asserted before the 23rd December 2020 the query would be:

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&date=lt2020-12-23

For more information on using FHIR search modifiers for dates, take a look at the FHIR STU3 standard at


To search for AllergyIntolerances using identifiers present on the AllergyIntolerance record the following search constructs can be used.

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&identifier=[system]|[code]

For example:

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&identifier=|21323-123213

For further information consult the FHIR specification at


To retrieve AllergyIntolerances based on the last updated date of the record.

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient={id}&_lastUpdated={value}

To improve searching the API supports the use of search modifiers. The modifiers supported for date are as below:

ltReturns dates less than the search term
leReturns dates less than or equal to the search term
gtReturns dates greater than the search term
geReturns dates greater than or equal to the search term
eqReturns dates equal to the search term
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&_lastUpdated=lt[value]
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&_lastUpdated=le[value]
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&_lastUpdated=gt[value]
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&_lastUpdated=ge[value]
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&_lastUpdated=eq[value]

So to search for an AllergyIntolerance last updated on 23rd January 2021 the query would be:

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&_lastUpdated=2021-01-23

To search for all AllergyIntolerances last updated before the 23rd December 2020 the query would be:

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient=[value]&_lastUpdated=lt2020-12-23


Adding the _summary=count query parameter will change the behaviour of the query to return just the count of records, rather than the records themselves.

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient={id}&_summary=count

This will return a response like:

"resourceType": "Bundle",
"type": "searchset",
"total": 15,
"id": "df23fd8b-d30c-47c6-a2bd-64c8a24b1166"

This can be added to any query construct.


The API supports both XML and JSON formats. The default format is JSON. The format can be requested either using HTTP headers or via the use of the _format query parameter as per the following table.

Format ValueAPI Response Format
GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient={id}&_format=[format value]

For example the query below would return a response in XML format.

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient={id}&_format=xml

This can be added to any query construct.

Sort Parameters​

The default sort order for AllergyIntolerance records is in descending date order (i.e. most current first). The following sort parameters are also available.


GET /AllergyIntolerance?_sort=date
GET /AllergyIntolerance?_sort=-date



The parameter _count is defined as a hint to the server regarding how many resources should be returned in a single page.

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient={id}&_count=[n]

For example the query below would return a Bundle with 5 records per page.

GET /AllergyIntolerance?patient={id}&_count=5


Examples of payloads in both XML and JSON formats are available from the examples section of this site.