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FHIR Patient


The Graphnet FHIR API is intended to be used as a patient centric API and as such all FHIR APIs are targeted on a patient.

The Patient API can be used to retrieve demographic information for a patient or as a means to discover the so other FHIR APIs can be used.

Patients cannot be created, deleted or updated using the FHIR APIs. There are a number of different ways for searching for patients, these are described below.

Patient Retrieval​

id and _id​

The Patient resource can be retrieved directly if the id of the resource is known. By appending the id to the url will cause the Patient resource to be retrieved. Unlike all other retrieval queries the response will be a single resource as opposed to a Bundle.

GET /Patient/{id}

An alternate method for retrieval is to make use of the _id search parameter. In this case, the result will be a Bundle. If the id is present the Bundle will contain a single Patient resource, otherwise the Bundle will be empty.

GET /Patient?_id={id}

Query Parameters​

NHS Number & Local Identifiers​

To find patients using their NHS number of a local identifier the identifier search parameter can be used.

GET /Patient?identifier={system}|{value}

When searching for an NHS Number use the system For example:

GET /Patient?identifier=|1234567890

NHS Number Verification Status​

To find patients using their NHS number verification status the nhsNumberVerificationStatus search parameter can be used.

GET /Patient?nhsNumberVerificationStatus={code}
GET /Patient?nhsNumberVerificationStatus={system}|{code}
GET /Patient?nhsNumberVerificationStatus=|{code}

When searching for NHS Number Verification Status use the system The permitted values are:

01Number present and verified
02Number present but not traced
03Trace required
04Trace attempted - No match or multiple match found
05Trace needs to be resolved - (NHS number or patient detail conflict)
06Trace in progress
07Number not present and trace not required
08Trace postponed (baby under six weeks old)

For example:

GET /Patient?nhsNumberVerificationStatus=|01

Family Name​

To find patients using their Family name (aka Surname) the family search parameter can be used.

GET /Patient?family={Surname}

For example to search for a Surname of Jones:

GET /Patient?family=Jones

To improve searching the API supports the use of search modifiers. The modifiers supported for family are as below:

exactReturns family names that are exactly as per the search term (case sensitive)
containsReturns family names that contain the search terms somewhere within it

For example:

GET /Patient?family:exact=McAndrews
GET /Patient?family:contains=anders

For more information on using FHIR search modifiers for strings, take a look at the FHIR STU3 standard at

Given Name​

To find patients using their given name (aka Forename) the given search parameter can be used.

GET /Patient?given={Forename}

For example to search for a Forename of Sarah:

GET /Patient?given=Sarah

To improve searching the API supports the use of search modifiers. The modifiers supported for given are as below:

exactReturns given names that are exactly as per the search term (case sensitive)
containsReturns given names that contain the search terms somewhere within it

For example:

GET /Patient?given:exact=Johnathon
GET /Patient?given:contains=John

For more information on using FHIR search modifiers for strings, take a look at the FHIR STU3 standard at


To find patients using their gender the gender search parameter can be used.

GET /Patient?gender=female
GET /Patient?gender=male
GET /Patient?gender=other
GET /Patient?gender=unknown

Date of Birth​

To find patients using their date of birth the birthdate search parameter can be used.

GET /Patient?birthdate=1985-06-01

To improve searching the API supports the use of search modifiers. The modifiers supported for birthdate are as below:

ltReturns dates less than the search term
leReturns dates less than or equal to the search term
gtReturns dates greater than the search term
geReturns dates greater than or equal to the search term
neReturns dates not equal to the search term
eqReturns dates equal to the search term
GET /Patient?birthdate=lt1985-06-01
GET /Patient?birthdate=le1985-06-01
GET /Patient?birthdate=gt1985-06-01
GET /Patient?birthdate=ge1985-06-01
GET /Patient?birthdate=ne1985-06-01
GET /Patient?birthdate=eq1985-06-01

For more information on using FHIR search modifiers for dates, take a look at the FHIR STU3 standard at

Get All Linked Patients​

The getAllLinkedPatients search parameter is a boolean that allows the Patient to be queried alongside any other search parameter to include in the response any linked or merged Patients.

GET /Patient?family=smith&getAllLinkedPatients=true 

Further information on linked and merged patients and how this parameter can be used in chained queries is described in Linked and Merged Patients section.


To retrieve Patients based on the last updated date of the record.

GET /Patient?_sort=_lastUpdated
GET /Patient?_sort=-_lastUpdated

To improve searching the API supports the use of search modifiers. The modifiers supported for _lastUpdated are as below:

ltReturns dates less than the search term
leReturns dates less than or equal to the search term
gtReturns dates greater than the search term
geReturns dates greater than or equal to the search term
eqReturns dates equal to the search term
GET /Patient?_lastUpdated=lt1985-06-01
GET /Patient?_lastUpdated=le1985-06-01
GET /Patient?_lastUpdated=gt1985-06-01
GET /Patient?_lastUpdated=ge1985-06-01
GET /Patient?_lastUpdated=eq1985-06-01


Adding the _summary=count query parameter will change the behaviour of the query to return just the count of records, rather than the records themselves.

GET /Patient?_summary=count

This will return a response like:

"resourceType": "Bundle",
"type": "searchset",
"total": 15,
"id": "df23fd8b-d30c-47c6-a2bd-64c8a24b1166"

This can be added to any query construct.


The API supports both XML and JSON formats. The default format is JSON. The format can be requested either using HTTP headers or via the use of the _format query parameter as per the following table.

Format ValueAPI Response Format
GET /Patient?_format=[format value]

For example the query below would return a response in XML format.

GET /Patient?_format=xml

This can be added to any query construct.

Sort Parameters​

The default sort order for Patient records is in descending date order (e.g. most current first). The following sort parameters are also available.



The parameter _count is defined as a hint to the server regarding how many resources should be returned in a single page.

GET /Patient?_count=[n]

For example the query below would return a Bundle with 5 records per page.

GET /Patient?_count=5


Examples of payloads in both XML and JSON format are available from the examples section of this site.